Ohio’s Literacy Plan: Ongoing Updates

Ohio’s Literacy Initiatives

2023 Updates

Proposed OH budget allotments to fund state literacy initiatives have been announced. The OH Dyslexia Guidebook plan for screening, intervention, and remediation of children with dyslexia or displaying dyslexic characteristics and tendencies goes into effect for the 2023-24 school year

As reported on Cleveland.com:

“In his State of the State address at the end of January 2023, Governor Mike DeWine called for a ‘renewed focus on literacy and on the way we teach reading in the State of Ohio.’ Even though research shows ‘the great value and importance of phonics’ in teaching kids to read, he said, ‘sadly, many Ohio students do not have access to the most effective reading curriculum.’ He noted that 40% of Ohio 3rd graders are not proficient in reading.

The governor’s budget plan would direct the Ohio Department of Education to lay out a plan, guided by research and evidence, ‘to ensure that all Ohio students have the best opportunity to master the skill of reading.’ The budget proposal would also give schools money to ‘pay for curriculum based on the Science of Reading and for professional development for those teachers needing it.'”

Click HERE to read more on Cleveland.com about his proposed budget plan. 

2022 Updates

We are happy to report that the State Board of Education has approved the Ohio Dyslexia Guidebook which was proposed in January 2022.  

Click here and find the guidebook and other important HB 436 details. 

This fulfills the HB 436 requirements to form a Dyslexia Committee and create “a dyslexia guidebook for screening, intervention, and remediation for children with dyslexia or displaying dyslexic characteristics and tendencies.” 

The Ohio Dyslexia Committee is made up of 7 members appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction and one member appointed by the chancellor of higher education.

2021 Updates

HB 436 Legislation Overview

HB 436 Legislation Code:

  • Requires the Ohio Dyslexia Committee to develop a dyslexia guidebook for screening, intervention, and remediation for children with dyslexia or displaying dyslexic characteristics and tendencies;

  • Requires the Ohio Dyslexia Committee to prescribe the number of clock hours of dyslexia-related professional development required for teachers;

  • Permits the Ohio Dyslexia Committee to make recommendations regarding ratios of students to teachers who have received certification in identifying and addressing dyslexia, the school personnel who should receive the certification, and whether professional development requirements should include completing a practicum;

  • Requires the Department, in collaboration with the Ohio Dyslexia Committee, to identify screening and intervention measures that evaluate the literacy skills of students using a multi-sensory structured literacy program;

Once the committee completes these goals, HB 436 implementation will:

  • Require school districts and other public schools to administer annual dyslexia screenings beginning in the 2022-2023 school year;

  • Phase in over three years dyslexia-related professional development requirements for public school teachers;

  • Require school districts and other public schools, beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, to establish a multi-sensory structured literacy certification process for teachers.

Additional information about the legislation:

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